

I'm daughter to Lissie, sister to Jess, wife to Brien, mom to Hannah, Lily and Eleanor. I am a stay at home mom to my girls, and my free time is dedicated to gardening (I confess I'm still a novice and look to Lissie and Jess for advice), baking and cooking, and card making. I'm doing my part to make the earth a bit greener, trying hard to avoid processed foods and HFCS, and find the "slow food" movement intriguing and inspiring. I love visits to my local farmers' market, fresh produce, reading, getting out in nature, and spending time with my family.


Catholic, homeschooler, lover of books and great wine and an amateur gardening addict.


I'm Melissa aka "Lissie", mother of Rachael and Jessica, and grandmother to a passel of the sweetest children on the planet. I'm a semi-retired public educator and professor who works from home for a small publisher. I am a lover of all things beautiful ... flowers, the mountains, nature scenes, the innocent faces of children, and my rock and fossil collection, to name a few. I enjoy shopping at the farmers' market for fresh foods and then experimenting with new recipes. Good food and good wine delight me. I love to travel so my suitcase is always packed. Like my daughters, I take pleasure in simple things ... clothes drying on the line, tomatoes so fresh they are still hot from the sun, good books, and interesting movies. I'd like to know everything before I die.

My kids love to toast marshmallows and eat s'mores. Frankly, I do too! What is not to like, right?

My husband and I have been planning on adding some kind of fire bowl, pit, outdoor something or other for the last few years but could never seem to find the right thing or the right price.

I am a big lover of I find a lot of good stuff there and I find competitive pricing and free shipping. Big plus.

During a recent perusal we found a selection of fire pits on sale. I wanted something that was up off the ground but substantial in size and not completely ugly. When considering fire pit options, this is harder to find than one would think.

Enter the Bronze Scroll Fire Pit. Love! It arrived a few days ago and is perhaps even bigger and prettier than I had imagine. S'mores here we come.




Rach said...

It's beautiful! I bet Ella is so stoked she can hardly stand it! :o)

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